activities for elderly listening to music on record player

Some Group Activities for Elderly People Living in Care Homes

Whilst working in Thistleton Lodge care home, I have found that it is extremely challenging to find an activity that all residents want to take part in. This is because each individual in our care home has a wide range of interests as well as things they don’t like to do. Each day we try to do a new activity with our residents every day so that everyone can do something that they can enjoy. To ensure we could do at least one activity that everyone can enjoy, we asked all residents what their favourite activity. All staff members got involved with planning activities for the residents based on what they liked to do. Some of the activities that our residents decided they wanted to take part in were:

• Music and dancing
• Puzzles and quizzes
• Arts and crafts
• Board games


Music and Dance Activities for Elderly People

At Thistleton Lodge, all of our residents require a range of caring needs. This is why we have made sure that everyone can take part in the activities that we arrange each day so that no one feels left out. With music and dance activities you will find that certain songs trigger memories for some of our residents. This helps spark up a conversation between all those who stay in Thistleton Lodge. With music and dance activities there are many games you can play such as guessing the song and group sing-a-longs. Both these activities involve concentration to remember the songs and the artist who sang them.

Puzzles and Quizzes

Much like music games, puzzles and quizzes require great concentration from all participants. These activities can also bring back memories from when the residents were younger because they would have played these games as children. The puzzles we have, range from jigsaws to guess who. Quizzes also help the residents meet new people they haven’t spoken to before because they can be put in the same teams where they need to work together.

activities for elderly painting equipment

Arts and Crafts

Another stimulating activity for residents in care homes is participating in art and craft activities. This involves residents being creative which can lead to hours of entertainment for everyone. This also helps residents to be more involved with others in the care home as they can get a chance to mix and speak to more people.

activities for elderly playing chess board game

Board Games

One of everyone’s favourite activities to do in Thistleton Lodge is to play board games. All our residents like to be competitive with each other to win some great prizes to win. Everyone involved loves playing these games because they bring hours of entertainment. Some of the board games we have include snakes and ladders as well as chess.

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